Live Lease Administration Training for Today’s Enterprising Professionals Returns!

Presenting NRTA’s All NEW 4-Part Top 5 Classroom Live Series:

This Top 5 Classroom series digs deep into:

  • The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Accounting

    The implementation of new lease accounting standards, such as ASC 842 and IFRS 16, has brought several challenges for organizations. This session will focus on The Top lease accounting challenges that companies often encounter.


  • The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Auditing

    Performing lease audits can present unique challenges due to the complexity of lease agreements and the need for accurate financial reporting. Learn The Top lease auditing challenges that organizations may face.


  • The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Administration

    The real estate leaders’ work is much easier when they have access to quality lease data and insights. Unfortunately, many teams are stretched too thin to effectively manage their leases. This session features The Top 5 challenges faced in lease administration.


  • The Top 5 Challenges in Hybrid Work

    Office culture is adapting with the purpose of creating a better working future. This session’s presenter will tackle The Top 5 biggest environmental challenges affecting the workplace. And the strategies used by leading organizations to pave the future.

Here’s How It Works

  • Each 90-minute Session begins at 2 PM ET.
  • Seating is intentionally limited to encourage effective, one-on-one interaction and engagement.
  • Classes are led by experienced experts.

An Exciting New Opportunity

NRTA IS EXCITED TO INTRODUCE a brand-new opportunity for professional development with our Top FIVE NRTA Live Series! This Fall 2024 series stands apart from previous Classroom LIVE courses by offering greater flexibility in how you choose to participate.


To Register:
Reserving your seat for this series is a bit different from what prior participants may be used to. Each of the four sessions is available as an individual product, allowing you to customize your learning experience. Alternatively, participants can secure a spot for the entire series at one time.


Top 5 Classroom Pricing:

  • Members: $100 per session / $400 for the entire series
  • Non-Members: $200 per session / $800 for the entire series

Whether you choose to attend one, two, three, or all four sessions, this series provides valuable insights tailored to your needs.

Fall 2024 Course Dates:

  • Thur., October 10, 2024:  Session 1: The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Accounting
  • Thur., October 17, 2024: Session 2: The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Auditing
  • Thur., October 24, 2024: Session 3: The Top 5 Challenges in Lease Administration
  • Thur., October 31, 2024: Session 4: The Top 5 Challenges in Hybrid Work

Meet the Presenters. And Save YOUR seat at the table today!